LHC Procurement Group is a not-for-profit, Company Limited by Guarantee, with over half of our Board of Directors appointed by bodies governed by public law. This structure grants LHCPG central purchasing body and contracting authority status, in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
Our mission to improve lives and places through quality procurement solutions is realised by reinvesting our surplus funds into community benefit and social value projects, supporting the communities we and our clients serve rather than distributing profits to shareholders.
Programme Director (Interim), UK Ministry of Defence
Founder & CEO - Accomplish HR
Group Managing Director, LHC Procurement Group
Chief Operating Officer, LHC Procurement Group
Procurement & Performance Director, Wheatley Housing Group
CEO, Eildon Housing Association
Director of Sustainability and Investment, Magna Housing Group
Chief Financial Officer at CHP
Procurement & Value for Money Manager at Linc-Cymru Housing Association
Head of Asset Investment, Your Housing Group
Head of Procurement, Moat Housing Association